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Open State: Medibank

Melbourne Design Week – Open State: Medibank tour

Showcasing award winning designs by HASSELL architects, Medibank has created one of the healthiest workplaces in the world. From the edible garden, which is available to workers to tend and help themselves to, as well as the building’s demonstration kitchen and multi-purpose sports court. Visitors will see a typical work floor and understand more about the employee experience as they choose between the 26 different types of work settings available. On Level 6 is the Plaza. This floor incorporates spaces created by four different designers and is a completely shared space that everyone is encouraged to utilise.


Open State is part of the Melbourne Design Week, an annual design program linking creativity with business and community. Each year the program will explore the value of good design in a ten-day, city-wide celebration offering talks by leading designers, tours, workshops and industry events at NGV and partner venues throughout Melbourne. The theme for 2017 is Design Values. It asks: what does design value and how do we value design? Find out more here.

Open State is presented by Open House Melbourne on behalf of Creative Victoria and NGV for Melbourne Design Week. 
Image credit: Nicole Whittaker

Important Details


720 Bourke St, Melbourne

Time & Date

Tuesday 21 March 2017
10 – 10.45am

Booking Info

Bookings required

Booking Link

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