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Image of Collins St facade of building with sunlight hitting the glass and an autumnal tree in foreground.
Image of 2 people enjoying the outdoor seating area, complete with sandstone carved seats and fresh green and white foliage.
Image of 555 Collins Exchange Business Hub with light wooden tables and chairs.
Image of two modern blue couches in the flexible working space, located on level 2 of the building.
Image of the oval LED light mirrors in the end of trip facilities. Marble benches and wooden ceiling paneling can also be seen in the space.

555 Collins Street

Cox Architecture 2023


555 Collins Street will be a new kind of workplace created for the next generation. Designed from the inside out, each aspect of the precinct has been shaped by human-centric philosophies, with the ambition of creating a new work-life destination that truly responds to the needs of the people using it.

What's On

Join us for a guided tour of 555 Collins Street, covering its domain, urban design and commercial spaces.

Tours will be run with building management Charter Hall in partnership with building architects Cox.

Images: (1) 555 Collins St façade. (2) Plaza with landscaped garden. (3) 555 Collins St Exchange by Hub. (4) Flexible workspaces at 555 Collins Exchange by Hub. (5) 555 Collins end-of-trip facilities. All photos: courtesy of Charter Hall.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 27 + Sunday 28 July
Tours run 10am, 11am, 12pm + 1pm
Running for 45 minutes in groups of 20

Please meet in the ground floor lobby, accessed via Collins St.


Fully wheelchair accessible, Accessible bathroom, Elevator access


555 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

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