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Modern Melbourne Screening

Modern Melbourne is a series of filmed interviews and rich archival material that document the extraordinary lives and careers of some of our most important architects and designers including Mary Featherston and Phyllis Murphy. As the designers move into the later stages of their careers, public appreciation of their early work is growing – and much of their mid-century modernist work and latter projects are now represented on the Victorian Heritage Register.

Modern Melbourne is made possible by the generous support of the interview subjects, the Heritage Council of Victoria and the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. In kind sponsorship from La Trobe Art Institute.

View Street closed to vehicles on Saturday 27 October, from 2pm–10pm due to the Bendigo Cycling Classic. Pedestrian access only during these times. Visit for more information.

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Important Details


Time & Date

Saturday 27 October 2018


Booking Info

Free, bookings essential.

Booking Link

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