Supporting experimentation across the fields of art, performance, design and education, Testing Grounds has provided infrastructure for creative practices since 2013 at its Arts Precinct location.
In late 2022, Testing Grounds will relocate to Market Square in the Queen Victoria Market Precinct.
Please come past and ask us questions about the future development and what’s planned for the years ahead with Testing Grounds at Market Square.
Testing Grounds is programmed through a rolling and open application process, and is free to use for people at all stages of practice to test, develop and share their work. Testing Grounds also provides a community environment, allowing people to come together for social and informal exchange.
What's On
Meet with the Testing Grounds team and learn about the future of Testing Grounds at Queen Victoria Market including its base site at Market Square as well as other spaces across the precinct.
Images: (1-3) Testing Grounds infrastructure at 1 City Road, 2016-2020. (4) Jaffle Symposium at Testing Grounds, 2018. Images supplied.
Important Details
Time & Date
Open 10am-2pm
Age Requirements
Testing Grounds - QVM Carpark 391 Queens St Melbourne