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The Sensory City

The National Gallery of Victoria is a well-loved Melbourne institution and many of us have spent long hours there. It is not just the art that draws people to visit. With its arch-framed water wall enticing visitors to stop and touch the water, the building is also a jewel in the crown of Melbourne’s public buildings.
But how well do we really know this beautiful building?
The Sensory City Tour contemplates the ways we navigate the city by exploring the sensory qualities of the NGV. Through these tours you will discover the building in a whole new light, experiencing its spaces from the perspective of a person with low vision or blindness. The tours will focus on not what the building looks like but what it feels like, smells like and sounds like. OpenHAUS architecture, Open House Melbourne and Vision Australia invite you to participate in a tour of the NGV that explores its spaces beyond our sense of sight. Come explore the sensory, architectural and artistic elements that come together to make the NGV one of the most successful buildings in our city.
Please note: This tour will take in indoor and outdoor spaces at the NGV. We advise wearing flat shoes and bringing a raincoat if rain is forecast.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 29 July, 2017
11.00am and 1:30pm

Booking Info

Free, bookings required

Booking Link

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