East to West – Open House Melbourne Weekend
Posted Wed 27th Jul 2016 | efront
Free and open access buildings to see in the East and West across the Open House Melbourne Weekend. No need to book!
Catholic Theological College – In the original building you can visit the corridors (with stained glass Stations of the Cross) and Chapel. In the new building you will have access to the foyer, boardroom (with facsimiles of Wardell designs for original building) as well as the library.
Hawthorn Tram Depot – Take a self-guided walking tour through the heritage tram fleet and former driver training facility, and view exhibitions on display: Tramway ANZACS and The Centenary of Hawthorn Tram Depot.
Auburn Uniting Church – Open 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday and 12.00pm to 4.00pm on Sunday, you can visit the Church, gallery, tower and Minister’s Vestry on either self-guided or guided tours.
Xavier College Memorial Chapel – You won’t want to miss getting inside this spectacular Baroque beauty. Hawkesbury sandstone on the outside, stained glass windows inside and a little bird told us there might be a coffee cart on site.
The Menzies Foundation at Clarendon Terrace – Built in 1857, Clarendon Terrace is a terrace of three two-storey houses designed to look like one house! Rooms on first floor, two restored rooms at the front of the building (with photographs and memorabilia on display) and the central gallery and seminar room will be open.
Bishopscourt – As the oldest house in East Melbourne, it seems only fitting that Bishopscourt also has a number of trees on the City of Melbourne’s Exceptional Tree Register.
Cycle Collective – Amphitheatre-style cycle studio. Bike gym! Only open on Saturday with cycling classes running to their usual timetable.
East Melbourne Library and Community Centre – Members of East Melbourne Historical Society will be onsite to showcase their work and collections, normally accessible by appointment only. Talk and tour by architect Garry Ormston at 11am and 12pm.
Footscray Town Hall – The only known example of the American Romanesque style applied to a civic building in Victoria. Tours run Sat 1pm and 3pm. Sun 10am and 12pm. Tours will incorporate both Footscray Town Hall and the Bluestone Church.
Bluestone Church Arts Space – The Bluestone Church Arts Space originally served as a Wesleyan Church!