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Photo of a timber and steel clad house from a park.
photo of a young boy sitting at a dining table inside a room with timber cladded ceiling, parquetry floors and a red rug.
Photo of a series of homes clad in timber and black steel with brick elements. The man is in shorts looking at an upstairs window where a woman is leaning out of a window.
Photo of a group of men and women standing on grass infront of an old heritage building.
A render of a series of two story buildings with trees and a blue sky.
A photo of a construction site with building in the foreground under construction and building in the background with a heritage facade.

A Spectrum of Intention: A Decade of Evolution in Citizen-led Housing in Melbourne


We want to show people what is possible when citizens work to collectively pursue their vision of a better housing future.

This tour will showcase three deliberative housing projects of different scales, looking at the trade-offs that residents have needed to make between private and communal space.

These trade-offs have been driven by project budget and different levels of intended community interaction, from proximate to interactive and intentional.

On one end of the scale, we will look at McCracken Avenue in Northcote by Saint George Collective, a proximate community of four townhouses on 480 square metres with a communal carpark.

Then we will look at a community on Victoria Street, West Brunswick by The Victoria Street Collective—an interactive community of 10 apartments that will achieve an average 8.7 star NatHERS on 1200 square metres. The site features communal car parking designed around a shared garden and connected to the WestWyck ecovillage, which was Australia’s first One Planet Living development.

Lastly, heading towards the other end of the scale, we will look at Hope Street, Brunswick by Urban Coup—a fully intentional community of 31 apartments within Nightingale Village. The site includes a generous common room, shared courtyards and guest/flexi accommodation.

What's On

The tour will start at Dalziel Lane, with a site tour from 10am-11am with the architect covering project history, client brief, site challenges and design response.

Then we will head to Victoria St, West Brunswick for a site tour from 11.30am-12.30pm, with the architect covering project history, client brief, site challenges and design response.

Then we will go for a site tour in Hope St, Brunswick from 1pm-2pm, with Urban Coup, covering project history, client brief, site challenges and design response.

We will finish with an optional debrief, discussion and late lunch at Kines from 2pm-3pm, at participants expense.

Images: (1) Clarke Street Collective, Northcote, Victoria. Photo: Kristian Gehradte photography. (2) Clarke Street Collective, Northcote, Victoria. Photo: Kristian Gehradte photography. (3) Clarke Street Collective, Northcote, Victoria. Photo: Kristian Gehradte photography. (4) Victoria Street Collective, West Brunswick, Victoria. Photo: Tim Riley. (5) Victoria Street Collective, West Brunswick, Victoria. Architectural Render by Zen Architects. (6) Victoria Street Collective, West Brunswick, Victoria. Photo: Tim Riley. (7) Hope St, Brunswick. Photo: Urban Coup.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 29 July
Tour begins:
10-11am at McCracken Ave, Northcote
11.30am-12.30pm at Victoria St, West Brunswick
1-2pm at Hope St, Brunswick
Running for 60 minutes at each site in a group of 40
Bookings required, participants are required to make their own way between sites
First release tickets: Thursday 6 July, 12pm
Second release tickets: Saturday 8 July, 10am


Accessible parking nearby


All Ages


McCracken Avenue, Northcote

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