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Discover Northbrook and the Stonnington History Centre

Building Description

Learn the history of Charles D’Ebro’s Northbrook, and its transformation into the Stonnington History Centre.

Hear about its owners and occupants and their grand balls and social events of yesteryear.

Discover some of the precious records and memorabilia in our collection.

Northbrook was erected in 1889-90 near Malvern Town Hall. Now owned by Stonnington Council, it is classified by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). Stonnington History Centre staff will present a history of this former home and highlight some of its original fixtures as well as some of the treasures in its collection.

What's On

Join us for an online presentation about the history of Charles D’Ebro’s Northbrook, and its transformation into the Stonnington History Centre.

Image c/- City of Stonnington

Important Details

Time & Date

Talk and Presentation

Saturday 24 July
2pm - 3pm

Online Registrations required
Please Register below:


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