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Do it on the Roof Green Tours

Join Do it on the Roof on a self-guided walking tour of some of inner Melbourne’s fascinating green sites and discover the different ways that we can bring nature back into the city. From green facades to green walls to green roofs to totem planters (interspersed with some of Melbourne’s historical secrets) – we will take you on an urban adventure where footpath meets fern and bitumen meets bromeliad.
The tours will begin at our Sustainability Rover in Flagstaff Gardens. The Rover will have it’s very own green roof on display so you can see a green roof up close. Whether you want to stop by the Rover

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Important Details


The Sustainability Rover, Flagstaff Gardens (William Street side, opposite The Radisson on Flagstaff)

Time & Date

Sunday 26th July 

10am – 4pm

Stay in the loop