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Jane’s walk: Spot the Sculpture

Spot the Sculpture—a Jane’s Walk with Judy Stanton in Queen Victoria Gardens

Join a Jane’s Walk Spot the Sculpture tour around Queen Victoria Gardens, as part of the Jane’s Walk annual, international festival.

Tour the gardens and learn about its history, spotting sculptures and garnering the problems it currently faces as you do.

About Jane’s Walks

Jane’s Walk is an annual, international festival of free, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by urbanist Jane Jacobs.

As part of the festival in Melbourne several walks will be held across the city to celebrate walking, cities and neighbourhoods.

Jane’s Walks encourage people to share stories about places, discover unseen aspects of their communities, and use walking as a way to connect. The festival is coordinated by a charitable organisation in Toronto. Read more here.

Open House Melbourne is proud to support Jane’s Walk Melbourne.

Important Details


Queen Victoria Gardens, 180 St Kilda Road parklands (opposite National Gallery of Victoria)

Time & Date

1pm to 3pm

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