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View over looking Pentridge main piazza public space.
The main entrance to the former Pentridge Prison bluestone buildings with iconic towers.
Mustering lines marking where prisoners were to line up are embedded within contemporary concrete lines and crosses throughout the public space design.
Wayfinding signage on entry, people with a dog on lead walking through to the main piazza.
Children playing on furniture elements in the main piazza at Pentridge.
View over looking Pentridge main piazza public space.

Pentridge Piazza

ASPECT Studios & NH Architecture (master plan), Buchan Group (retail centre), Electrolight (design, partial documentation), Sue Hodges Production SHP (precinct heritage interpretation consultant), PTA Landscapes (main piazza) 2020.


The former Pentridge Prison in Coburg has been dramatically transformed. The decommissioned landmark of controversial history is now a residential and retail precinct. The depth of the site’s cultural significance guided its redevelopment, where considered design elements recognise the history entrenched in the space.

In the heart of the precinct, in what used to be the parade ground or mustering yard, is the new Central Piazza, located between the heritage-protected bluestone buildings, and next to the new retail centre and cinema designed by Buchan. Incorporating rescued materials from the original site into the new one, the piazza ensures that the prolific stories hosted by the site are not lost or forgotten, while bringing a new lease of life to the heritage-listed building and grounds.

What's On

Join us for a walking tour through key Pentridge Piazza spaces, as well as other areas around the site where interpretation of its previous use have been installed. The tour will be led by Erwin Taal of ASPECT Studios and the lead designer of Pentridge Piazza, who brings a wealth of knowledge and anecdotes. A separate historical interpretation centre is located on-site for further information about the past.

Pentridge Piazza is open to the public and can be visited independently on both days—identify some key stops using ASPECT's site map here.

Images: (1) Pentridge main piazza. (2) Pentridge main entrance. (3) Wayfinding signage, delivered by ASPECT Studios' specialist wayfinding team. (4) Concrete lines and crosses embedded in the piazza mark the mustering lines where former prisoners would line up. (5) Children playing in the piazza. (6) Pentridge main piazza. All photos: courtesy of Dianna Snape.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 27 July
Tours run 10.30am + 12pm
Running for 45 minutes in groups of 25

Meet outside Pentridge Prison Main Gate on 1 Champ St, Coburg.


Partially wheelchair accessible, Accessible parking nearby


1 Champ St, Coburg VIC 3058

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