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Places People Work

Places People Work

Wednesday, 22 June 2015



Places are limited, register via

Places People Work is a series of hosted walking tours by Geyer that explore the evolution of how people work in the city. You will tour through contemporary and historic workplace environments that look at activity based working, agile and mobile working, creative community spaces, and everything in-between. 

You will start at Geyer’s own studio before setting out on a walking tour where you will have access to some of Melbourne’s highest profile contemporary work environments.

Geyer is a leading independent interior design practice operating from 6 studios across the Asia Pacific. Human-centred workplace design is at the core of Geyer’s expertise.

 The tour starts at Geyer, Level 6, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne.

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Important Details


The tour starts at Geyer, Level 6, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne.

Time & Date

Wednesday 22 July 2015

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