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The Emerging Designers Festival: Rediscovering Melbourne Through Adaptive Reuse

Gray Puksand


For the second consecutive year, Gray Puksand's Emerging Designers Festival is providing Melbourne architecture and design students with the chance to showcase their work and vie for an internship at Gray Puksand’s Melbourne Studio. The students will explore the Open House Melbourne's theme: RE/DISCOVER your City through adaptive reuse.

What's On

Student designs will be showcased in an exhibition, and the top three finalists will have the opportunity to present at the Open House event. Following the presentation of shortlisted submissions, a panel will review the top designs and one winner will be announced. The winner will be offered an opportunity to join the Gray Puksand internship program during the next 2024/25 intake. Following the presentations, a tour will be conducted at 300 Flinders Street, previously occupied by Victoria University and now a vibrant mixed-use space that exemplifies the benefits of adaptive reuse for the city. Nibbles and drinks are provided.

Images: (1-5) Open House Melbourne Weekend 2023. (6) Lobby, 300 Flinders Street. All photos: Gray Puksand.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 27 July
Exhibition + panel discussion at 11am
Running for 120 minutes with capacity of 50

Tour runs 1pm
Running for 60 minutes in group of 50

Meet in the lobby.


Fully wheelchair accessible, Accessible bathroom, Accessible parking nearby, Sensory friendly, Elevator access


300 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000

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