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Located in the forecourt area of the Shrine of Remembrance is the sculpture, known as the cenotaph, by World War Two army veteran artist, George Allen, supported by Stanley Hammond, of a 20 meter tall column inscribed with the battlefields where Australian veterans fought during World War 2, atop is the stylised figures of six servicemen of the three services
army, navy and Air Force, carrying over their heads the stretcher of a fallen figure, another serviceman. In front of the cenotaph is the eternal flame surrounded by a waist high fence
Located across from the Victoria College of the Arts the Weary Dunlop memorial created by Peter Corlett, son of WW1 veteran CPL Kenneth Corlett. Peter won the design competition to produce the commemorative sculpture of Sir Edward

Veterans Public Arts Trail


The Veterans Public Art Trail aims to highlight the contribution of the veteran community to Melbourne’s built environment by showcasing the range of public art by veterans.

Works include 3D sculptures and 2D murals as well as buildings designed or sponsored by veterans as artists, architects and arts patrons.

What's On

Led by ANVAM Chairman and Director, Mark Johnston, and fellow veteran Andrew McDougall, the Veterans Public Art walking tour will follow a 1.5-kilometre path from Hamer Hall and down St Kilda Rd, into the gardens up to the Shrine of Remembrance and conclude at the former Repatriation Clinic.

During the trail the host will draw attention to approximately 20 public artworks and buildings by members of the veteran community and discuss their contribution to the arts. The tour will also showcase a broader collection of works by artists who all have a shared connection through their military service and their engagement in the arts, and touch on sites of historical significance to the military and veteran community. Conversation will be encouraged between arts trail participants in the periods between encounters with public art.

Children's Activities

Due to the distance, the tour is not suitable for children under 12-years-old

Images: (1) George Allen. (2) Weary Dunlop Memorial. (3) NGV. Photos: ANVAM.

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 27 + Sunday 28 July
Tours run at 9am
Running for 90 minutes in groups of 20

Meet at the main entry of Hamer Hall on St Kilda Rd.

Tour will conclude at the former Repatriation Clinic.


100 St Kilda Rd, Southbank VIC 3004

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