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Waterfront: Watering the Gardens

Keeping a living landscape alive during times of water scarcity can be a challenge. When the landscape contains some of the world’s rarest and most significant plant species, water is both precious and essential. Journey through the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria’s Melbourne Gardens with landscape architect, Andrew Laidlaw and curator of horticulture, Peter Symes to discover how the story of water is the story of the Gardens. End your tour punting on the Ornamental Lake.

Presented by Open House Melbourne and Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria for Waterfront – part of Melbourne Design Week 2020, an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the NGV. 

Photo: 1. Watering the Gardens, Tobias Titz, 2. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Adrian Vittorio

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Important Details


Meet at: Gate C entrance, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne Gardens

Time & Date

Event postponed until further notice.

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