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'What architects do' with the AIA


Visit the headquarters of the Australian Institute of Architects at 41X for their "What architects do", a series of presentations unpacking how architects work and the benefits of specialised areas of the architectural process.

41X is a lean twenty-two-storey tower occupying a small footprint (285-square-metre office floor plate) on the corner of Exhibition Street and Flinders Lane. The building is a hub for built environment engagement, Institute members and staff, with five of its floors occupied by the Institute’s offices, including the Victorian Chapter and the National executive team.

What's On

The Australian Institute of Architects will be opening its doors to the public for a day of presentations about the services architects provide to their clients and the community. This will be a great opportunity to learn about what is included when an architect is engaged to provide "full services" and what considerations architects make in areas that affect both the natural and the built environment, including:
- Sustainable architecture
- Enabling architecture for universally accessible requirements
- Heritage conservation and adaptive reuse

Important Details

Time & Date

Saturday 29 July
Panel discussions from 10am-5pm

10am-11am What architects do: Daniel Moore, RAIA, State Manager, Victoria, Australian Institute of Architects
12pm-1pm Sustainable architecture: Kirby Roper, Kirby Architects
2pm-3pm Enabling architecture: Belinda Seale, Haptic Space Enabling Architecture
4pm-5pm Heritage architecture: Jude Doyle, Jude Doyle Architects

Each presentation runs for 60 minutes in a group of 70
Bookings required
First release tickets: Thursday 6 July, 12pm
Second release tickets: Saturday 8 July, 10am

Enter the lobby and press the elevator button for Level 2.


Fully wheelchair accessible


All Ages


Level 2, 41 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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