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When New Meets Old – Good Design and Heritage

Heritage buildings and places are loved by the general public but as the world and our lives change they sometimes need to be re-imagined. Heritage Council Victoria, Open House and Office of the Victorian Government Architect are holding a panel discussion for Design Week 2019 on When New Meets Old – Good Design and Heritage.

The panel – of experienced architects and heritage practitioners – will discuss how good design can be matched with heritage to provide buildings and places that will be loved by the community in our future as well as our past. The discussion will involve local architect/s and regional and international examples.

Speakers include:
Jill Garner – Victorian Government Architect
Dr Christine Phillips – Heritage Council Member and lecturer in architecture at RMIT
Kim Irons – Irons McDuff Architecture
Chair: Emma Telfer – Open House Melbourne, Executive Director

Presented by Heritage Council of Victoria, Open House Melbourne and Office of the Victorian Government Architect

Photo: Simon James – Albert Park College Environmental Arts Hub by Six Degrees Architects

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Important Details


National Wool Museum 26 Moorabool St, Geelong VIC 3220

Time & Date

Access Requirements: Fully accessible

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