Open House Melbourne 2021 Update
Posted Fri 16th Jul 2021 | Helen Sweatman
Reconnect: OHM July Weekend – now online!
Following the announcement from the Victorian Government regarding the five-day snap lockdown, and the potential of continued restrictions, Open House Melbourne will transition the Reconnect: OHM July Weekend over 24 + 25 July 2021 to a fully digital program.
The wellbeing of our collaborators, volunteers, staff and patrons remains our utmost priority, and we are pleased to be able to transition in time to deliver this year’s fully digital online program. We are committed to connecting you with the incredible enthusiasm, creativity and knowledge of the partners, buildings hosts, designers and architects who support and make up the Open House Melbourne 2021 program.
We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support.
Please stay tuned for further program updates here, through social media or via our newsletter.
Thank you. Stay safe and well.
We’ll be in touch with ticket-holders directly and advise of refunds where necessary. Our Team is receiving a large volume of enquiries, we’ll respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.