Moving Melbourne | Open Journal
Posted Wed 18th Oct 2017 | efront
Open Journal takes a look at The Metro Tunnel Project, a key offering during Open House Melbourne 2017.
The Metro Tunnel Project is one of the most significant public infrastructure projects in the CBD since the creation of the City Loop in the 1980s. Its impacts could fundamentally change the shape of the city, not to mention the way it functions for millions of locals and visitors alike.
Transitioning from a city of urban sprawl to a connected, modern city requires a huge investment in public transport infrastructure, of which the Metro Tunnel is just one part. With a population larger than Paris — whose metro tunnel network is more established and extensive — Melbourne has the potential for a much larger underground rail network. The Metro Tunnel is perhaps a promising sign of things to come.
With a project that’s expected to last many years, the MMRA has been keen to connect directly with Melburnians. This year they partnered with the Open House Melbourne Weekend to run tours of their CBD construction sites. It was an opportunity to meet the people for whom this project will have the greatest impacts.
Read the full story on Open Journal here.