Open House Bendigo Photo Competition
Posted Tue 23rd Oct 2018 | Isabella Radevski
It’s that time again! To celebrate the inaugural Open House Bendigo Weekend, we’re giving you the chance to win a double VIP pass and program to 2019’s Open House Melbourne, simply by sharing your favourite images with us. Explore Bendigo this weekend, and show us how the city has opened up to you. The winning entry will be chosen by the Open House team, based upon how creatively you capture a site from the Open House Bendigo program.
1. Post your photo on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter between Saturday 27 October— Sunday 28 October 2018.
2. Use the hashtag #OpenUpBendigo to submit your entry.
3. Feature a building you explored, or an event you took part in, during the #OpenHouseBendigo Weekend.
4. Enter as many times as you like.
5. Alternatively email info@ohm.org.au to submit your entry if you don’t have a social media account, or if your account is private.
6. The winning entry will be chosen by our team, and announced publicly Friday, 2 November 2018.
Whether it be forgotten treasures, local contemporary design, the rich boom-style architecture, unusual nooks or unseen crannies – get snapping and get sharing!