We’re seeking a new Executive Director
Posted Mon 14th Nov 2022 | Isabella Radevski
After more than two years at the helm, Open House Melbourne Executive Director and Chief Curator, Fleur Watson will be concluding her role at the end of 2022. The Board is now seeking a new director for this rare and unique opportunity to contribute to and influence the way Melbourne is experienced.
Open House Melbourne is a renowned not-for-profit organisation advocating for better-designed cities by encouraging civic participation. The position of Executive Director provides operational leadership for successful delivery of the annual Open House Weekends, collaborations, year-round programming and further developing strategic plans and vision. Open House is part of the Open House Worldwide network, and an initiative of the Committee for Melbourne Future Focus Leadership Program.
Fleur is commencing a new role as an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture & Urban Design at RMIT University. Fleur says: “At the end of 2022, I will hand over the leadership reins at OHM to pursue a new professional chapter. The opportunity to lead this extraordinary not-for-profit organisation has been immensely rewarding and a great privilege. I’m proud of what we have collectively created and achieved in challenging times. I’m pleased to join the Open House Board and continue to support the organisation and our strategic objectives.”
OHM President Stuart Harrison states: “‘It is with sadness we see Fleur moving on from her role at the end of year to take up a position at RMIT, one of our partners. Fleur will continue to be part of the organisation as a board member. We thank Fleur for striving to make Open House Melbourne both part of Melbourne’s cultural map but also across our State.”
Fleur’s continued commitment to the Open House Melbourne organisation through her new role on the Board highlights the leadership of Stuart Harrison as President and builds on the experience and knowledge of the Board, with former Open House Executive Director, Emma Telfer, Director of Impact & Engagement at Assemble as Vice President.
Stuart is an architect and broadcaster. He runs Harrison and White architects in Melbourne and has worked extensively in public radio, television (Restoration Australia, ABC-TV), academia and has written several books on housing. Stuart is a passionate and well-known public advocate for the value of good design in shaping better suburbs, towns and cities.
Image: Fleur Watson. Photo: Courtesy of Unknown Vision.