The Naked Architect S3 E1: Winwood McKenzie

The Naked Architect S3 E1: Winwood McKenzie

Session topic: The ideal client
Project: Brunswick House
Architect: Winwood McKenzie
Episode Length: 19 mins

The Ideal Client

What are the qualities of an ideal client? How much time does a client put into the project? How much contact did you have with each other each week? Was there a time when you disagreed? How did you resolve it? What is the best way for a client to communicate their needs? What questions need to be asked to write a project brief? In this episode we speak with Thomas McKenzie, director Winwood McKenzie and client Alison, owner of Brunswick House, to uncover the answers.

Winwood McKenzie believes in the potential for architecture to create meaningful spaces that improve lives and respect the natural world. Their projects are finely detailed and carefully resolved. Renovation projects, like Brunswick House, provide the opportunity to reimagine a residence so that it represents the lives and values of its owner. It provides an opportunity to create a built manifestation and realisation of a personal way of living.

The new living and study spaces designed for the client are spaces that simultaneously create a cosy refuge and an open outdoor shelter that connects the living spaces to the native garden. The spaces are configured to allow both modes of living, one insular, protected and focused on the fireplace and study; the second open to the fresh air, abundant light and vegetation of the garden.

The Naked Architect is an initiative of Open House Melbourne, with support from the Architects Registration Board of Victoria, and in association with ArchiTeam. The third series was launched in 2019 as part of the year-round program of Open House.

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