Making Home
Posted Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Piera Maclean
We are excited to announce Open House Melbourne is a recent recipient of philanthropic funding from the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation for Making Home.
Bringing together architects, community housing providers, government bodies, researchers and lived-experienced speakers, Making Home shines a light on the issues that drive homelessness and influence the provision of social and affordable housing in Victoria. This program helps public audiences better understand the need for social and affordable housing, how it is being delivered and how thinking around the design (including sustainability) and delivery of social and affordable housing is changing to meet contemporary needs.
As part of the Making Home program, Open House Melbourne will present ‘Making Home Community Housing Tours’, a series of tours of new Community Housing projects to general public audiences. The tours aim to demystify social housing for a broad public audience and build a public mandate for quality good design outcomes (across areas including community, sustainability, sense of home and connection to place, urban design and neighbourhood value) in this space.
Executive Director Tania Davidge notes, “It’s our vision that audiences can directly experience each project and hear from different people involved about its design process from conception through to completion. We want to highlight the role design plays in ensuring all Victorians have access to safe, secure, appropriate and affordable homes.”
As part of this program, Open House Melbourne has also partnered with the Victorian Chapter of the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA), the peak industry body for the Australian community housing industry, to identify new projects that can be part of the ‘Making Home Community Housing Tours’ program.
If you would like to be part of the program and demonstrate great examples of good design in Community Housing, please complete the following expression of interest online form here.
The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation is Australia’s largest independent community foundation. Their mission and purpose as a leading philanthropic organisation is to respond to social, economic, educational, environmental and other charitable needs of the community for benefit of the public. They do this through grantmaking, sharing knowledge, strategic collaborations, and impact investment, donor advisory services, research and education, bringing ideas, people and funding together to tackle the current challenges facing the community.
Photo: Buildings surrounding existing trees along Dunlop Avenue. Courtesy of Hayball.